Your direct line to us

All information about the Schmerlenbach Conference Center

Are you looking for directions, contact details or reviews? On the following pages we have compiled all the information you need about the Hotel and Conference Center Schmerlenbach in Hösbach near Aschaffenburg. For example, you can use our contact form for conference inquiries, room reservations or other questions. Of course you can also call us on +49 (0)6021-630 20 or send an e-mail to

How to reach the Schmerlenbach Conference Center

We look forward to getting to know you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our hotel. Of course, we can also help you plan your event or conference.


Conference center of the diocese of Würzburg

Schmerlenbacher Str. 8

Phone: +49 (0) 60 21 63 02 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 60 21 63 02 - 80


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If you have sent us your request by e-mail or via our contact form, we will take care of it as quickly as possible and get back to you. In the meantime, have a look around our website - you're sure to find some useful information.

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Conference Center Schmerlenbach

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Top conference hotel Schmerlenbach Monastery


seminar center aschaffenburg hösbach


Impressions from our house

Space and nature for concentration

iiQ Check 4,4 / 5
StarBest price booking If you book directly, you can save up to 10 euros per night.
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